Money is not everything, but without money everything is nothing.

More health and money, more app­re­cia­ti­on and reco­gni­ti­on, more pro­s­pects and oppor­tu­ni­ties, more money, more respon­si­bi­li­ty, more free­dom and beau­ty, more hap­pi­ness and satis­fac­tion, more holi­days and time …

We all live with con­stant­ly com­pen­sa­ting for emo­tio­nal and per­cei­ved grie­van­ces. We want more. Much more. But very few of us are pre­pared to do any­thing about it. So it most­ly remains with the wish, desi­re or order. Some peo­p­le can live well with it, others are dis­sa­tis­fied with it. Very much so. You ima­gi­ned more. Wan­ting more for their own lives.

All tho­se peo­p­le out the­re who want more of the pie of life and are not satis­fied with the crumbs, we can offer them some­thing. Some­thing that will help them along the way. Sounds exhaus­ting and bor­ing at first, but does­n’t ever­y­thing that is out­side your com­fort zone sound like that?

If you can over­co­me the­se thoughts and push them asi­de, you will move rela­tively smooth­ly and calm­ly through the fear zone fur­ther into the lear­ning zone. And the­re the fruits await you. The ful­fill­ment. The admi­ra­ti­on. Ever­y­thing that quick­ly makes you for­get your efforts and makes you want to do even more.

The magic word is: fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on. Only fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on can real­ly help you on your care­er path. All the others go round in cir­cles. If you want more, you have to be able to do more. Kno­wing is not enough. And if you take a clo­ser look at the sala­ry deve­lo­p­ment and sala­ry cate­go­ries of nan­nies in pri­va­te house­holds, you will see that it must be due to per­for­mance, qua­li­ty, skills and wealth of expe­ri­ence. You earn more becau­se you can do more.

We can accom­pa­ny you on this path of magi­cal­ly incre­asing your wis­hes, dreams and ide­as. Becau­se we have crea­ted a N4YK Aca­de­my espe­ci­al­ly for this purpose!

If you think you deser­ve more, then now is the time to beco­me a nan­ny. Give us a call and we will be hap­py to advi­se you: T +49–8158-907 36 37.

about the N4YK agency

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