in a world you can be anyting be kind.

The discussions about respect, decency and values never stop.

The­re is always the sus­pi­ci­on that the young do not respect the atti­tu­de and values of the old. This sounds para­do­xi­cal. Becau­se the young live out the values that the old have exem­pli­fied. So the gene­ra­tio­nal reproach is always direc­ted at tho­se who rai­se it. It’s like the forest: what you call in, sounds out again.
That is why it is important not to talk about ever­y­thing all the time, but to live it out as a mat­ter of course.
Like with healt­hy food. Healt­hy often means ‘does­n’t tas­te good’ for child­ren. This is just as wrong as the fact that values are inap­pro­pria­te. Or exhaus­ting. Or incom­pa­ti­ble with the next gene­ra­ti­on. Values and morals chan­ge. They should be che­cked for their con­sis­ten­cy in con­tent. And also for their chan­ging inter­pre­ta­ti­on and expression.
Respect and values should not be con­fu­sed with adapt­a­ti­on and sub­mis­si­on. Or be misu­s­ed for that pur­po­se. Rather, they must be a clear expres­si­on of app­re­cia­ti­on and atten­ti­ve­ness. This is espe­ci­al­ly true in times like these.

about the N4YK agency

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